Here is the information for the concert on Sunday:
Attire is concert black with festive holiday accoutrements optional.
Set up crew will need to move the Altar Table, Pulpit, and three pastor chairs into the choir room as usual. Chairs needed on the choir risers will be:
Any extra chairs on the risers will be used on the floor with additional chairs coming from the bell loft above the choir risers.
The good news is since there is a choir concert on Monday in the sanctuary, the only thing that has to be returned at the end of the concert are the chairs. All the heavy stuff will remain in the choir room.
Jim Connors will place the organ in the approximate area and we will move as needed.
Music for the March concert has been uploaded to the website. I am listing it here so you can start listening over our break. The pieces are:
Desert Sage (four movements)
Finding the Words (Saxophone Quartet)
The Divine Right of Kings (3 solo trumpets with wind ensemble)
I am excited about the wide variety of music for this concert, similar to Balmages and Standridge in the past. There is a lot of challenging music, but we also have the longest preparation time of all the concerts this year.