For our 2021-2022 season we are doing a major capital campaign to purchase a new set of chimes and crotales. These are percussion instruments essential to the performance of classic and modern band literature. Here’s how you can help us meet our goal.
- Angel Investor – $2000 – A named octave of crotales. And the opportunity to play the crotales at a concert. (2 total spots)
- Chime Donor – $350 – A named chime, and the opportunity to strike that chime during a performance at our Spring 2022 concert. (18 total spots)
- Band Patron – $100 – and a commemorative full-sized chime hammer.
- Band Donor – $50 – a commemorative mini chime hammer.
If you are interested in one of the donor spots listed above, please fill out the form and make your payment.
We are a non-profit corporation, so your donations are tax deductible!
We accept checks and Paypal or contact our TREASURER directly if you’d like to use a credit card.
You DO NOT NEED a PayPal account to use this feature!

What are chimes?
Chimes (or tubular bells) are the long tubes which sound similar to church bells. Most everyone will recognize their sound immediately.

What are crotales?
Crotales (or antique cymbals) are a uniquely beautiful instrument. They sound similar to a glockenspiel but have a very pure tone due to their round shape and that they are made from a bronze alloy. Here’s a great explanation and example of crotales (Both octaves).
In the piece “Reflections” you will hear some of the different tones and techniques of which the crotales are capable.